Aug 26, 2021
Episode 104: Alexa Bigwarfe's Experience of Twin-To-Twin Transfusion, Infant Loss, and Transformation Through Writing
In this episode, Alexa Bigwarfe discusses her experience with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and child loss. During her third pregnancy, she should have been followed as a high risk pregnancy with a...
Aug 19, 2021
Episode 103: Raising a Child with STXBP1 With Guest Chloe Weber
In this we discuss rare genetic disorder called STXBP1. Guest Chloe Weber’s son Remy has a rare genetic disorder called STXBP1. This condition affects syntax and binding protein. For these individuals, their bodies don’t make enough of the...
Aug 12, 2021
Episode 102: Spinal Muscular Atrophy And ADHD With Guest Trudy Citovic
In this episode, guest Trudy Citovic discusses raising a child with spinal muscular atrophy. Her daughter, Alina, was diagnosed with SMA when she was 5 years old. She never lost any skills but started experiencing weakness and less stamina. She was...
Aug 5, 2021
Episode 101: Raising A Micropreemie Who Uses A Feeding Tube With Guest Gaby Grinberg
In this episode, guest Gaby Grinberg discusses prematurity, NICU stays, and feeding journeys. Her daughter Lana Rose was born at 24 weeks gestation, weight 11 ounces. There was no initial sign that she would go into labor early, as her...