Jun 24, 2021
Episode 95: Dawn Veselka's Story of Raising a Child With Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
In this episode, guest Dawn Veselka discusses her experience raising a daughter with a mixed connective tissue disorder. Her mix is juvenile arthritis, scleroderma, Raynaud’s and dermatomyositis. Sadie’s triggers are exposure to...
Jun 17, 2021
Episode 94: Building Independence in Your Children With Special Needs With Dr. Sarah Allen
In this episode, we discuss developing and promoting independent skill building in children with special needs. Guest Dr. Sarah Levin Allen, AKA The Brain Gal, discusses ways to minimize anxiety in children with autism. She also...
Jun 10, 2021
Episode 93: Raising a Micropreemie With Autism With Guest Melissa Harris
In this episode, we discuss a mother’s experience raising a micropreemie. Melissa Harris has two children, one of whom was born at 24 weeks gestation. She found that she had a bincorniate uterus, and had to undergo several surgeries to fix the...
Jun 3, 2021
Episode 92: Sensory Processing Disorder With Guest Candice Curtis
In this episode, we discuss sensory processing disorder, meltdowns, and making it all work. Guest Candice Curtis’s, OT, oldest son is autistic. Throughout her training, she began to gravitate toward occupational therapy and sensory processing disorder....