Dec 26, 2019
Episode 15: School, IEPs, and Teachers, Oh My with Guest Brandon Scherr
In this episode, we discuss navigating school with young children
who have special needs. Our special guest Brandon Scherr has a
6-year-old son who attends public school. However, the teacher to
which his son was assigned has not been responsive to...
Dec 19, 2019
Episode 14:No Rest For The Weary
In this episode, we talk about sleep. Sleep routines, naps, and exhaustion. We started a sleep routine for our oldest at 3 months. At 16 months, our second child still doesn't have a sleep routine. We just throw him in bed. Our oldest has a very intricate sleep routine, although it...
Dec 12, 2019
Episode 13: Treasures of Our Children
In this episode, we discuss all of the wonderful aspects of
parenting children with special needs (SNKs). Before having my
SNKs, we were always stuck in the future or the past, and were
anxious people. But now, we don't have that choice. If we are to be
there for our children, we...
Dec 5, 2019
Episode 12: I Do I Do I Do Believe in Self Care
In this episode, we discuss the awesome parts of self-care. Before kids, we had tons and tons of really varied hobbies. We were actually, like, cool, or semi-cool people. Also, Lewis was, and always has been, a squirrel. But since having children, especially ones with...
Nov 28, 2019
Episode 11: Back to Basics
In this episode, we discuss the basics of self-care, such as showering, sleeping, eating, brushing your hair, flossing your teeth, attempting to look like you didn't just wake up 5 minutes ago... As a special needs parent, it is really difficult to find time to do all of these things, because...